"I need a mint"
My date night dialogue
Returns home empty-handed
Misses out on those partner patterns
Those traces and taps and
Parabolic tingles
She asks
For the parameters of good things
She laughs
Witnessing the grand unraveling of my resistance
Honesty is a slippery eel,
To say nothing of the shock risk
With an eagerness
Exclusive to the amateur
I circled
The anxiety aunties
Normally to blame--
hunger, thirst, the
importunate fear of
early demise--
Commence their screaming ritualBEST FRIENDS
Great story
Can’t wait to tell it at your funeral
I vow
I will outlive you
Despite the years
Despite the heart
Nothing is mild when it comes to the heart
Your funeral
Front and center
Back and to the left
I will tell that great story
It will bring down the house
The church
The bridge
Wherever you wind up getting dumped
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